The Cadaocao Catalog Bands, Projects, Psuedonyms, Conspiracies & Releases
Members: Clark Crawford
Years: 2000-Present?
Genre: Various
After the tragic death of mr. Harten in November 2000, Kilroy rose like a phoenix from the ashes. After a brief appearance on Hardcore America, the Bigga Than Deth remix project, he disappeared but is rumored to be plotting his revenge. Some day... some day.
Hardcore America (2000)
This was another joint release between CaDaoCao Productions and PorkBoNes Records. The album featured remixes from the Bigga Than Deth album.
I recorded “Apropapo (The Proper Edit)” under the name Kilroy. The other tracks were done by the following people:
Fuck Tha Millennium (Repeat Intercourse Mix) - Otto Hive (Nathan Wood)
Bigga Than Deth Reprise (Stillborn Deathstork Remix) - Puzzlegutz (Steve Hall)
Prison Rulezzz (Hardcore America Old School Dub) - GBF (Brent Fariss)
Bigga Than Deth (Birthday Mix) - Alix Kid In Miracle World (Asfhar Kharat)
Pop Song (Pop Remix #3) - Professor Lo-Fi (Bill Thompson)
Also of note... “Introduction” featured the announcement of mr. Harten’s tragic death.